Six years after losing her son Oliver in a car accident in India, his mother Maria is a wreck. During the accident, Maria chose to save her youngest daughter Lucy instead of Oliver and the guilt devastated her. One night, her husband Michael finds Maria unconscious after a failed suicide attempt. In the hospital, Maria is comforted by her housekeeper Piki. Piki asks Maria if she wants one final chance to say goodbye to Oliver.
She explains that in her village, there is an abandoned temple where the line between the living and the dead is very thin. Maria must scatter her son's ashes at the temple steps and lock herself in. Oliver will speak to her once night falls. However, no matter what Oliver says, Maria must not open the temple door for him. Maria agrees and the pair have Oliver's body exhumed and burned. Maria notices some strange men covered in ash. Piki explains that they are shamans who consume the flesh of the dead and coat themselves in ash to strengthen their bonds between the worlds of the living and the dead.
The next day Maria arrives at the temple and follows Piki's instructions. Inside, she uncovers a mummified corpse of a woman. Night falls and Oliver begins talking to Maria, who apologizes to Oliver for leaving him. Oliver starts pleading with Maria to open the door and explains that someone is taking him. Maria panics and opens the door but sees no one. She returns home the next day; now having closure, she focuses her attention on Michael and Lucy but doesn't tell Piki that she opened the door. Strange things start happening; their piano plays itself and Lucy tells Maria that Oliver has come back and that he is hiding from someone. In, Oliver's room, a chair moves toward her, along with The Jungle Book, which Maria was reading to Oliver when he died but never finished. Realizing Oliver wants her to finish the book, she does so. Maria later has a nightmare. Piki notices that nearby plants have started dying and begins to realize that Maria has disobeyed his instructions at the temple.
Lucy's pet birds die suddenly and when Maria and Lucy go to bury them at sea, Maria has ash rubbed on her head by a shaman. Later, the decomposed body of Oliver appears near Lucy. Maria discovers a bite mark on her shoulder, implied to be Oliver's doing. She enters Oliver's room and tells him that he can't hurt Lucy. Oliver pulls out the chair and book again and Maria starts reading to him as long as he doesn't hurt Lucy. A shaman appears at the house and points behind Maria; she sees the mummified body from the temple behind her, which chases her. The next day, an outraged Piki confronts Maria and explains to her that due to her actions, Oliver's soul has become evil and is now on the loose; the door that she opened was preventing him from leaving. He reveals that the strange figure Maria was chased by is The Gate Keeper, who reclaims the soul of the dead. Piki urges Maria to burn all of Oliver’s possessions to break his hold on the living world or he will continue to cause harm to the family.
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